OMNI brings the personnel,
experience, and technical resources necessary to
successfully undertake any construction project. Given our staff’s decades
of working with contractors, subcontractors, and labor forces, we can
adequately meet the needs of our clients in a timely and cost-effective
manner. OMNI deals with each facility we construct and/or manage with the
same goals - to deliver the product in time and within budget, improve
overall quality, increase utilization, and maximize the useful life of the
buildings to the greatest extent possible.
OMNI carefully structures our
work load to ensure the right balance of
projects and experienced staff to ensure complete customer service.
OMNI prides ourselves on our
client relationships. When competing on
negotiated projects, OMNI is always rated at the top in reference referrals.
relationships have led to numerous opportunities.
OMNI attributes our successes
to the following key areas: